Monday, December 13, 2010

Instant Smile | Holiday Edition

So, its Monday, December 13 and I am finally getting in the Christmas spirit.
I blame work and being sick and well, just life in general, for me being all grinchy up to well, about 3 hours or so ago.
Its ridiculous I know.

Some weeks ago I came across this site,, that lets you create a collection of music, playlists, etc. that you can sync to your phone or listen to on the web. Its quite rad, really. Anyway, I came across the Charlie Brown Christmas EXTENDED album and added it to my collection, but never really played it. Today I was searching to play something to get me going, but nothing seemed to fit my mood, then this.
I can't explain what big of a smile the first notes of this album gave me. Everything just came flooding into my head–––memories of family, gifts, people I miss, ideas for presents, ideas in general, random thoughts––it was quite unbelievable. You might think I'm ridiculous but I feel pretty damn warm and fuzzy inside and that, well, that makes me smile so much. Given the days I've been having recently, I am really cherishing these moments.

So, here I am, alone in my office. Multitasking like a mad woman, listening to A Charlie Brown Christmas with a big ole' smile on my face. Like a freakin' kid.
Its nice. :)

So I share some of my warmth with you. Take a moment to listen, even if its as background music, I guarantee some holiday cheer in your day, an instant smile.

Much love to you my kiddies!

1 comment:

  1. I thought I was done with Christmas music and then I read your blog...damn u! =P
    -La Nena


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