Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Have I told you I love balloons?

I was perusing the internets again, (yeah, I have a lot of time on my hands, don't judge!) when I came across three different blogs that talked about the same event. Several links later, I ended up finding out about Suzanne Cabrera of an open [sketch]book and her fabulous 30th birthday party. In her blog, Cabrera talks about having a difficult year in which she lost her job and dealt with other personal trials as well. In dire need of a fresh start, Cabrera speaks of how her best friend Addie suggested she should put an end to the terrible year and welcome her 30s with a bang.

The photos say it all, everything looks like it was a fabulous! There were party favors for everyone, lots of candy, food and drinks and even a piƱata. Everything is so cute and festive, I just want to jump into the pictures and have a blast with everyone. Cabrera says her best friend Addie planned the whole thing, decorations and all, while her friend Tim captured every moment in the making. But the detail that drew me to this story the most was the 30 balloon send off. The idea consisted of one birthday wish attached to each of the 30 brightly colored balloons, that would (hopefully) be found by random people and bring them a little cheer. Follow this link to read the sendoff story, its very heartwarming.

I loved everything about this story, even though I don't know Cabrera, I feel like I understand where she is coming from and how the need for a fresh start is sometimes just necessary. I am so glad she decided to share her  thoughts of love and happiness with random people. Those little details, small acts of kindness and love, those are the things that make our world go 'round.

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